About Us

Manifest Destiny Ministries International, Inc.

Executive Board of Directors

"Without counsel plans fail, but in the 

multitude of counselors they are established." 

Proverbs 15:22

Sis. Wubet Tezera

Silver Spring, MD

native of 

Addis Abba, Ethiopia

Pastor Michelle N. Layne

Machesney Park, Il

Sis. Kady-Ann Wint

Parlin, NJ

native of

Jamaica, WI

Manifest Destiny Ministries International, Inc.

Apostolic Covering and Advisors

Apostle Dr. Leina'ala Mars- Opoku 

Prophet France Opoku


New Creation Global Ministry Fellowship of Churches

Hampton, VA / Ghana, West Africa

Bishop Edith Moore


Emmanuel Ministries Int'l
Kingsland, GA

“Where no counsel is, the people fall: 

but in the multitude of counselors 

there is safety.”

Proverbs 11:14

Apostle Faith Daniel


Altar of Grace and Mercy for Miracles Ministries
Ogun State, Nigeria

Manifest Destiny Ministries International, Inc.

Members may be in various regions of the globe, including many domestic states, and several foreign nations. 

Our members hail from the nations of: Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Malawi, Australia, Canada, Jamaica, and England, among other countries.

Pastor M. Layne 

  Addis Kidan Christ's Church

Ethiopian Congregation

Pastor Mulugeta

Washington, DC

Join our ministry while retaining membership with your local congregation, yet benefit from the support, enrichment, fellowship of the MDM community of seekers, believers, ministry leaders, students of the Word, Ministers of the Gospel, Intercessors, and Kingdom Marketplace Entrepreneurs. 

Join us as “Iron sharpens iron” and we come to know God through a more intimate, life-altering experience of His Spirit!

"I will appoint you as light to the nations, that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth."

Isa. 49:6

Father, anoint my life for Global Impact, for Your Kingdom, in Jesus Name!

Our Services

Manifest Destiny Ministries Serves God's people through:

Intercessory Prayer

Fasting and the Prayer of Agreement as the Lord Leads

Trauma Informed Pastoral Counsel and Care

Transformational Life Coaching and Men

Our Services

Mentorship / Discipleship

Encouraging and equipping of believers through Spirit- Led Bible Study

Social Impact through Community Programs and Services

Other Ministries

Manifest Destiny Ministries offers the following Associated Ministries:

Matriarch Mantle- Prophetic Intercessory Ministry

Pursuit of Excellence - Ministry ad Leadership Workshop

Daughter's of Destiny

Additional Services

Manifest Destiny Ministries offers the following Real Estate Community Revitalization efforts to support the Community of Rockford, IL and surrounding areas.

Destiny Homes- LOVE Connects Us: Safe Haven

Destiny Homes- LOVE Connects Us: Group Homes and Assisted Living Facilities

Destiny Homes- LOVE Connects Us: Titus:2 Project

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