Destiny keys Property Holdings, INC and Destiny Homes

Destiny Keys Property Holdings, Corp. and Destiny Homes


Destiny Keys Property Holdings, Corp. and Destiny Homes

Our aim is to contribute to the revitalization of the Rockford, Illinois community by rehabbing distressed properties and providing safe, decent, and affordable housing options to residents now residing in underserved and neglected areas, realizing the impact of one's environment on one's self esteem, thereby one's point of view, personal aspirations and the trajectory of future generations.

Destiny Keys Property Holding, Corp.

Rental Units

Apartment Homes

Destiny Homes

Love Connects Us
Safe Haven

Transitional Housing for Domestic Violence Victims and their children. A separate ministry initiative to provide housing that will serve as a Safe Haven for women needing refuge from their abusers in violent domestic situations. Safe Haven will also serve women of various ages who have been victims of exploitation or trafficking.

Love Connects Us
Titus 2 Project

A faith-based Pilot Program based on the Biblical directive of

Titus 2:4-8, which admonishes the older women to train the younger women to have good character, to learn and practice self control, to be good mothers and to take care of the home etc. This Project will provide a focused educational component which aims to support the participants through High School to Graduation, and beyond!

Love Connects Us
Assisted Living Facilities

Living Group Homes and Assisted Living Facilities will address the need of handicap accessible housing and assist the community in providing safe, decent housing for marginalized communities.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim  freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, 

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor." Luke 4:18-19

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