

Manifest Destiny Ministries

International, Inc.

We are a "Church Without Walls" built on the foundation of God's Word, prayer, discipleship, and the cultivation of true intimacy with Jesus Christ, which brings about New Life and Lasting Transformation, through the work of Holy Spirit.

Pastor Michelle N. Layne

Founder, Visionary, Prophetic Intercessor

Author, Mentor, Entrepreneur

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Ministry of

Manifest Destiny Ministries International, Inc. 

I am the Visionary and CEO of this work,

 but merely in name. 

Indeed, our ministry is: 

"Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, 

Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone; 

"In whom all the building fitly framed together 

grows unto an holy temple in the Lord."

Ephesians 2:19-21

Vision Statement

Manifest Destiny Ministries endeavors to serve God’s people through Intercessory Prayer, Discipleship, Mentorship, Transformational Life Coaching and Assistance in Developing a Personal Culture of Intimacy with Jesus Christ through the disciplines of Spirit- Led living, Cultivation of ones Prayer Life and Reading the Word of God.

Encouraging, and equipping the saints through Spirit -Led Bible Study, Preaching, Teaching, and Ministry empowered by the Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. In absolute dependence on the Spirit of Council we will provide Trauma Informed Pastoral Care in the spirit of integrity.

Manifest Destiny Ministries International, Inc.

Executive Board of Directors

"Without counsel plans fail, but in the 

multitude of counselors they are established." 

Proverbs 15:22

Sis. Wubet Tezera

Silver Spring, MD

native of 

Addis Abba, Ethiopia

Pastor Michelle N. Layne

Machesney Park, Il

Sis. Kady-Ann Wint

Parlin, NJ

native of

Jamaica, WI

Our Visionary

Michelle Nicole Layne

Pastor, Founder,

Prophetic Intercessor

  • Ordained Pastor
  • Affirmed to Prophetic Office

Covered under Apostle Leina'lala Mars Opoku, United Creation Global Alliance Fellowship of Churches. Hampton, VA/ Ghana, Africa

  • Second Temple Theological Seminary
  • Retired Educator 27 yrs.
  • Chaplain with Rockford Police and FirDepartment
  • Internal Conference of Police Chaplains
  • American Association Christian Counselors
  • International Christian Coaching Institute

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me

    to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

    and recovery of sight for the blind,

to set the oppressed free,

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Luke 4:18-19

God has mandated 

MDM to support the woman of God 

as she conceives, carries and 

Manifests her Divine Destiny 

by the Grace of God, through the POWER of His Holy Spirit.



"Beloved, now are we the children of God,

and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be, 
but we know that, if He shall be manifested, 
we shall be like Him;
 for we shall see Him even as He is."

1 John 3:2

Manifest Destiny Ministries

is comprised of a growing body of believers desiring to expand our capacity to receive more of God’s power and anointing to accomplish all that He has called us to achieve in this season, and to Manifest our unique, Divine Destiny for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom on Earth.

"Church Without Walls"

Submit Your Prayer Request

Ephesians 6:18 says "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

Destiny Keys Property Holdings, INC & Destiny Homes

Provides greatly needed services and resources to the City of Rockford, Illinois.

Join Us

Join the Manifest Destiny WhatsApp Group

We Would Love Your Help

We want to express our appreciation for your generosity in support of MDM. Your personal commitment is incredibly helpful and allowing us to reach our goal. Your assistance means so much to this movement.

We Overcome by The Blood of the Lamb

Has MDM been a blessing to you?

MDM and Pastor Michelle have been such a blessing to me. A source of strength, encouragement, and inspiration, a True Woman of God: Pastor Michelle has dedicated so much of her time to serving, and interceding on behalf of all the women that are a part of MDM, as well as their families and anyone connected to them. She imparts so much wisdom and knowledge 1 on 1 as well through our support group. Her love, support, patience and commitment to doing what God has called her to do in the lives of our women, and His Kingdom is one to be admired and serves as great inspiration. I am blessed to be a part of this ministry.

- Kady- Ann Wint New Jersey, USA

By the grace of God, I am part of MDM group, I was so blessed with the word of encouragement from Pastor Michelle Layne, her post shared on the group and other post as well, more grace to you great woman of God remains blessed and keep the fire burning for Christ!

- Cordelia Ogbonna, Lilongwe, Malawi

&The Word

of our Testimony.

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