Our Vision

Michelle Layne

Pastor, Visionary and Chief Intercessor

Manifest Destiny Ministries Int'l.


The heart of MDM is to manifest the Light and Love of Jesus to accomplish and follow the pattern the Savior left saying: "The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are bound" Luke 4:18 later adding, "These and greater things you will do in my name." John 14:12

We are called to activate Divine Destiny, called to the woman who is or has been a victim of trauma from within or without. Those who may be struggling to free themselves from the entanglements of this world and walk in the freedom and abundance of Life in Christ. Knowing that "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: [but Jesus said] I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly."

John 10:10

We are not only called to be "Our sister's keeper", but we realize that WE ARE OUR SISTER! Like her, we have all experienced trauma in our lives as well. We know the pain and the lasting effects that so often accompany these experiences. So we take it personally and then we come along side our sisters and fight with her, even for her Transformation. We believe in Divine Destiny. It is our birthright! God desires for each of us to be free to walk in the FREEDOM He paid so dearly for.

My ultimate goal is to develop a Community Development Corporation that will provide support and services to uplift and revitalize the community and the lives of many through the transformative love and compassion of faith-based services such as Transformational Life Coaching, healthcare, education, job training and social programs each provided to underserved communities: that are unfortunately often plagued by poverty and various forms of neglect and trauma.

My plan to do so will initially be through community development of neglected areas. This will be accomplished by redeveloping homes in the aforementioned areas. Providing clean, safe housing that people can be proud to reside in. Realizing the importance of one’s environment from one’s point of view and thereby one’s self-esteem and aspirations for the future.

The Private Manifest Destiny Homes, a separate ministry initiative, will provide housing that will serve as a haven for women needing refuge from abusers in violent domestic situations, women of various ages who have been victims of exploitation or trafficking. MDM will also seek to serve women in other situations where temporary housing is necessary.

from Pastor Layne

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