Our Visionary

About our


Michelle Nicole Layne, the visionary of Manifest Destiny Ministries is a proud JERSEY GIRL, (Hailing from a small coastal town by the name of Neptune.) Pastor Layne's story didn't begin in Jersey. She was born to a military family in El Paso, Texas and relocated to where she came to call home when she was just an infant.  

Michelle is the biological mother of 2 children, and the bonus mother to 5 adult and young adult children. Michelle and her husband Lance have been married 3 years and live with their blended family in Machesney Park, Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot Layne

What took you so long?

"When a MAN finds a WIFE,

he finds a good thing and obtains favor 

from the Lord."

Prov. 18:22

...AND FIND HER he did! Brother Layne claimed his wife with a tenacity that only a true man of God is capable of! Lance appeared in her life at a time when Michelle testifies never thinking of asking God for a husband. You see, Michelle had been very ill; having been diagnosed with Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Dysautonomia in 2015. Her illness necessitated her long-term medical leave from her 27-year teaching career and eventual medical early-retirement that same year~ before reaching the age of 50!             

          Lancelot, a true knight in shining armor, proved to be the man God had called him to be for that season of her life, and beyond! Despite the fact that Michelle's heart's cry to God at that crucial time of sickness, had simply been: "Lord please, Help Me!", God had a plan.

Pastoring a church without walls

Visionary's Bio

Manifest Destiny Ministries

Pastor Michelle Nicole Layne's divine calling is to serve women primarily, but not only women. If you are partaking in the human experience, her heart is committed to assisting you in the discovery of an intimate, transformational experience of Christ through Trauma Informed Pastoral Care and Transformational Life Coaching with a focus on Prophetic Intercession and Bible Study through small group and one on one Spirit-Led mentoring, coaching, encounters and retreats. 

Although naturally gifted in this area, Pastor realized that furtherance of her learning could only enhance her efficacy. A member of the International Christian Coaches Institute and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, as well, Pastor Layne is a Certified Professional Christian Life Coach and has worked to attain a deepened level of knowledge and expertise in the ways and practices of

aiding the people she serves to come to true healing and deep and lasting transformation. Pastor Layne is a retired Special Educator with 27 years of experience with teaching Middle School students with Perceptional and Neurological Impairment. She has a degree in Special Education and in Psychology and 30+ years of experience in Ministry. Her education and years of experience, definitely help with her ministry work. These coupled with her specified training and certification in Transformational Life Coaching inform her pastoring and provide greater certainty to her practice.

...from Pastor Layne

There are so many people hurting. So many who are still wounded by the mental abuse and wounds of their childhoods and cannot seem to break free from what I call: "word curses" spoken over them as children. Age long- limiting self-views spoken about them and have enslaved them since their youth. There is no doubt for me that the answer for every problem known to man is in Christ. I am dependent on the Spirit of Counsel to endue my ministry. Yet the Word also admonishes: "In all thy getting get understanding." Proverbs 4:7

"I want to do all I can to prepare myself for what I am called to. I am doing so by the Pursuit of Excellence. "

-Pastor Layne states.

Isaiah 6: 1-4 Basically speaks my heart. 

It says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and it has anointed me to accomplish a mission through this life with which He has blessed me. That is to preach good tidings to the poor- that is- the poor of spirit and of resources; to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive and the opening of prison to those who are bound. God has called me to comfort those who mourn and to give them "beauty for ashes", the "oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness"... It goes on to speak of them therefore being able to then rebuild the old ruins and raise up the former desolations. To repair the ruined cities and the desolate generations.


I am an instrument of His love. No one of huge import other than to say, I am an humble emissary of the real TRANSFORMER. He who loves His people and wants to see their lives forever and completely revolutionized by the renewing of their mind.

"This is what I am called to do. This is what I am committed to."

Pastor Michelle N. Layne

Favorite Scripture

Beloved, now are we children of God, 

and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that, if He shall be manifested, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him even as He is.

1 John 3:2 ASV

Future Goals

Being that Pastor Layne is retired, she expresses interest in being especially interested in expanding her skill and gaining greater certainty and certification as a Transformational Life Coach to parlay into a sustainable business where she may mesh her years of Ministerial experience and expertise as a Special Educator in the Public School System, with her Counseling and Life Coach training. She would like to do coaching, consulting or workshops for educational systems and discover other ways to market her business to add value to lives and make greater impact WORLD WIDE.

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